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Le monde de Dwarf fortress n'est pas uniquement peuplé de nains, en le parcourant, en se défendant, et en commercant, les nains auront à faire à des peuples et des créatures qu'ils pourront chasser, élever ou combattre
Lire les tableaux
Symbole | Nom | Hostile | Comestible | Taille adulte | Prix de vente (×) | Lieu | Caractéristique |
Symbole: Le symbole assigné à une créature, que vous voyez quand vous n'avez pas activé de pack graphique.
Nom: Le nom de la créature que vous voyez durant le jeu.
Hostile: Si "Oui", la créature attaque les nains. Si "Non", elle est neutre ou amie. Les créatures mortes-vivantes sont toujours hostiles.
Comestible: Si "Oui", la créature peut être dépecée et être une source de nourriture.
Taille à l'âge adulte: La taille de la créature quand elle est adulte.
Prix de vente: La valeur de la créature qui peut être achetée ou vendue lors d'un échange au Trade Depot.
Lieu: Lieux où la créature peut être trouvée.
Caractéristique: Les particularités de certains animaux (cracher du feu pour un dragon par exemple)
Races Principales
Symbole | Nom | Hostile | Comestible | Taille adulte | Prix de vente (×) | Lieu | Caractéristique |
☺ | Nain (Dwarf) | Non | Non | 60,000 | Non Domesticable | Forteresses | Race marchande |
e | Elfe (elf) | Variable1 | Non | 60,000 | Non Domesticable | Forest retreats | Race marchande |
g | Gobelin (goblin) | Variable1 | Non | 60,000 | Non Domesticable | Dark fortresses | Race marchande, Kidnappeurs2 |
U | Humain (human) | Variable1 | Non | 70,000 | Non Domesticable | Towns and cities | Race marchande |
k | Kobold | Variable1 | Non | 20,000 | Non Domesticable | Caves | Race de rôdeurs |
- 1. L'hostilité d'une race par rapport à votre civilisation est variable en fonction du monde généré et de son histoire.
- 2. Les kidnappeurs essaient de capturer les enfants des autres civilisations. Les kidnappés deviennent alors membres de la civilisation kidnappeuse.
Races Mi-homme Mi-Animal
Note: These creatures can form crude civilizations underground but will not trade with you. They wield some weapons and can join adventurers.
Symbole | Nom | Hostile | Comestible | Taille adulte | Prix de vente (×) | Lieu | Caractéristique |
a | Homme-amphibien (Amphibian man) | Variable1 | Oui | 20,000 | Non domesticable | Sous-sol | Amphibie |
a | Homme-fourmis (Antman) | Variable1 | Oui | Variable2 | Non domesticable | Sous-sol | Four castes |
b | Homme-Chauve-Souris (Bat man) | Variable1 | Oui | 70,000 | Non domesticable | Sous-sol | Peut voler |
f | Homme-poisson aveugle (Cave fish man) | Variable1 | Oui | 70,000 | Non domesticable | Sous-sol | Amphibie |
s | homme-hirondelle (Cave swallow man) | Variable1 | Oui | 70,000 | Non domesticable | Sous-sol | Peut voler |
o | Homme-anguille (Olm man) | Variable1 | Oui | 70,000 | Non domesticable | Sous-sol | Amphibie |
r | Homme-reptile (Reptile man) | Variable1 | Oui | 50,000 | Non domesticable | Sous-sol | Amphibie |
r | Homme-rongeur (Rodent man) | Variable1 | Oui | 40,000 | Non domesticable | Sous-sol | |
s | Homme serpent (Serpent man) | Variable1 | Oui | 50,000 | Non domesticable | Sous-sol | Amphibie; Causes Syndrome |
- 1. Le fait qu'une civilisation semi-animale vous considère comme hostile semble variable.Modèle:Verify
- 2. La taille des fourmis dépend de leur rôle social au sein de la fourmilière.
Animaux domestiques
Symbole | Nom | Hostile | Comestible | Taille adulte | Prix de vente (×) | Lieu | Caractéristique |
a | Alpaga (Alpaca) | Non | Oui | 70,000 | 200 | N/A | Domestique, peut être trait et tondu |
p | Blue peafowl | Non | Oui | 4,000 | 10 | Tropical broadleaf forest | Domestique, pond des œufs |
c | Chat (Cat) | Non | Oui | 5,000 | 20 | N/A | Domestique, chasse la vermine |
c | Cobaye (Cavy) | Non | Non | 800 | 3 | Tropical savanna, grassland, and shrubland | Domestique |
c | Poulet (Chicken) | Non | Oui | 3,000 | 10 | N/A | Domestique, peut être trait |
C | Vache (Cow) | Non | Oui | 600,000 | 300 | N/A | Domestique, peut être trait |
d | Chien (Dog) | Non | Oui | 30,000 | 30 | N/A | Domestique et dressable |
d | Canard (Duck) | Non | Non | 1,000 | 10 | Any lakes and any wetland | Domestique, pond des œufs |
D | Âne (Donkey) | Non | Oui | 300,000 | 200 | N/A | Domestique, peut être trait |
g | Chèvre (Goat) | Non | Oui | 50,000 | 50 | N/A | Domestique, peut être trait |
g | Oie (Goose) | Non | Oui | 4,500 | 10 | Temperate lakes and temperate marshes | Domestique, pond des œufs |
g | Pintade (Guineafowl) | Non | Non | 1,500 | 10 | N/A | Domestique, pond des œufs |
H | Cheval (Horse) | Non | Oui | 500,000 | 200 | N/A | Domestique, possibilité de le traire |
L | Lama (Llama) | Non | Oui | 180,000 | 200 | N/A | Domestique, peut être trait et tondu |
M | Mule | Non | Oui | 400,000 | 200 | N/A | Domestique |
C | Dromadaire (One-humped camel) | Non | Oui | 500,000 | 500 | Any desert | Domestique, peut être trait |
p | Cochon (Pig) | Non | Oui | 60,000 | 100 | N/A | Domestique, possibilité de le traire |
r | Lapin (Rabbit) | Non | Non | 500 | 3 | Temperate savanna, grassland, and shrubland | Domestique |
R | Renne (Reindeer) | Non | Oui | 130,000 | 200 | Tundra and taiga | Domestic and milkable |
s | Mouton (Sheep) | Non | Oui | 50,000 | 100 | N/A | Domestique, peut être trait et tondu |
t | Dinde (Turkey) | Non | Oui | 5,000 | 10 | Temperate forest, swamp and shrubland | Domestique, pond des œufs |
C | Chameau (Two-humped camel) | Non | Oui | 500,000 | 500 | Any desert | Domestique, possibilité de le traire |
W | Wagon | Non | Non | 12,000 | Non domesticable | Une "créature" spéciale | |
W | Buffle domestique(Water buffalo) | Non | Oui | 1,000,000 | 200 | Tropical wetland | Domestique, possibilité de le traire |
Y | Yak | Non | Oui | 700,000 | 200 | Mountains | Domestique, possibilité de le traire |
Bêtes géantes
Symbole | Nom | Hostile | Comestible | Taille adulte | Prix de vente (×) | Lieu | Caractéristique |
C | Colosse de bronze (Bronze colossus) | Oui | Non | 20,000,000 | Non domesticable | Tous les terrains | Fait de bronze, assez difficiles à tuer |
D | Dragon | Oui | Oui | 25,000,000 | 10000 | Tous les terrains | Crache du feu, entraînable |
H | Hydre (Hydra) | Oui | Oui | 8,000,000 | 10000 | Tous les terrains | A sept têtes |
R | Roc | Oui | Oui | 20,000,000 | 10000 | Tous les terrains | Peut voler, entraînable |
Bêtes semi-géantes
Symbole | Nom | Hostile | Comestible | Taille adulte | Prix de vente (×) | Lieu | Caractéristique |
C | Cyclope (Cyclops) | Oui | Oui | 8,000,000 | Non domesticable | tous les terrains | Un seul œil |
E | Géant à deux têtes (Ettin) | Oui | Oui | 8,000,000 | Non domesticable | tous les terrains | A deux têtes |
G | Géant (Giant) | Oui | Oui | 9,000,000 | Non domesticable | tous les terrains | |
M | Minotaure (Minotaur) | Oui | Oui | 220,000 | Non domesticable | tous les terrains |
Non existant
Symbole | Nom | Hostile | Comestible | Taille adulte | Prix de vente (×) | Lieu | Caractéristique |
C | Centaure (Centaur) | N/A | Non | N/A | N/A | Nulle part | Trouver uniquement en mode engravings |
C | Chimère (Chimera) | N/A | Non | N/A | N/A | Nulle part | Trouver uniquement en mode engravings |
G | Griffon | N/A | Non | N/A | N/A | Nulle part | Trouver uniquement en mode engravings |
En surface
Symbole | Nom | Hostile | Comestible | Taille adulte | Prix de vente (×) | Lieu | Caractéristique |
g | Gnome noir (dark gnome) | Oui | Non | 15,000 | Non domesticable | Montagnes maléfiques | Voleur d'alcool |
E | Aigle géant (giant eagle) | Oui | Oui | 100,000 | 700 | Montagnes sauvages | entraînable |
m | Marmotte des Rocheuses (hoary marmot) | Non | Oui | 10,000 | 50 | Montagnes | |
g | gnome des montagnes (mountain gnome) | Non | Non | 15,000 | Non domesticable | Montagnes bienfaisantes | Voleur d'alcool |
g | Chèvre des montagnes Rocheuses (mountain goat) | Non | Oui | 50,000 | 50 | Montagnes | |
Y | Yak | Non | Oui | 700,000 | 200 | Montagnes | Domestique, Peut être trait |
Y | Yéti | Oui | Oui | 300,000 | Non domesticable | Montagnes, glaciers, et toundra |
Symbole | Nom | Hostile | Comestible | Taille adulte | Prix de vente (×) | Lieu | Caractéristique |
M | Homme-Blizzard (blizzard man) | Oui | Non | 300,000 | Non domesticable | Toundra et glaciers | |
E | Wapiti (elk) | Non | Oui | 300,000 | 100 | Toundra et prairie tempérée (temperate grassland) | |
w | Loup des glaces (ice wolf) | Oui | Oui | 50,000 | 50 | Toundra maléfique (evil tundra) et glaciers | Bête de somme |
M | Bœuf musqué (muskox) | Non | Oui | 285,000 | 300 | Toundra et prairie (grassland) | Tire des wagons |
B | Ours polaire (Polar bear) | Oui | Oui | 400,000 | 100 | Toundra et glaciers | Voleur d'alcool, entraînable |
R | Caribou (reindeer) | Non | Oui | 130,000 | 200 | Toundra et taïga | Domesticable, et peut être trait |
W | Loup garou (werewolf) | Oui | Oui | 120,000 | 50 or 1000 | Toundra maléfique (evil tundra), prairie (grassland), taïga, et quelques forêts maléfiques (evil forest) | |
w | Loup (wolf) | Oui | Oui | 40,000 | 50 | Toundra, taïga, et brousses/forêts tempérées (temperate forest/shrubland | |
Y | Yéti | Oui | Oui | 300,000 | Non domesticable | Montagnes, glaciers, et toundra |
Symbole | Nom | Hostile | Comestible | Taille adulte | Prix de vente (×) | Lieu | Caractéristique |
M | Homme-Blizzard (blizzard man) | Oui | Non | 300,000 | Non domesticable | Toundra et glaciers | |
w | Loup des glaces (ice wolf) | Oui | Oui | 50,000 | 50 | Toundra maléfique (evil tundra) et glaciers | Bête de somme |
B | Ours polaire (Polar bear) | Oui | Oui | 400,000 | 100 | Toundra et glaciers | Voleur d'alcool, entraînable |
Y | Yéti | Oui | Oui | 300,000 | Non domesticable | Montagnes, glaciers, et toundra |
Symbole | Nom | Hostile | Comestible | Taille adulte | Prix de vente (×) | Lieu | Caractéristique |
b | Buzzard | Yes | Yes | 1,400 | 30 | All desert and temperate grassland, savanna, and marsh | Steals food |
S | Giant desert scorpion | Yes | Yes | 200,000 | 2500 | Savage desert | No pain, no stun, no emotion; deadly Syndrome |
J | Giant jaguar | Yes | Yes | 150,000 | 100 | Savage tropical areas, any desert | Trainable |
L | Giant leopard | Yes | Yes | 100,000 | 100 | Savage tropical areas, any desert | Trainable |
b | Honey badger | Yes | Yes | 9,000 | 25 | Any tropical land and any desert | Prone to rage |
J | Jaguar | Yes | Yes | 75,000 | 100 | Any tropical land and any desert | Trainable |
L | Leopard | Yes | Yes | 50,000 | 100 | Any tropical land and any desert | Trainable |
N | Nightwing | Yes | Yes | 120,000 | 50 | Evil desert | Can fly |
C | One-humped camel | No | Yes | 500,000 | 500 | All desert | Domestic, milkable |
C | Two-humped camel | No | Yes | 500,000 | 500 | All desert | Domestic, milkable |
v | Vulture | No | Yes | 9,000 | 30 | Any desert and tropical grassland and savanna | Steals food |
Temperate Savanna
Symbole | Nom | Hostile | Comestible | Taille adulte | Prix de vente (×) | Lieu | Caractéristique |
b | Badger | Yes | Yes | 15,000 | 25 | Taiga and any temperate savanna, grassland, shrubland and forest | |
b | Buzzard | Yes | Yes | 1,400 | 30 | All desert and temperate grassland, savanna, and marsh | Steals food |
g | Groundhog | No | Yes | 3,000 | 50 | Temperate savanna, grassland, and shrubland | |
h | Harpy | Yes | No | 60,000 | Not tameable | Evil savanna, grassland, shrubland and marshes | All harpies are females |
O | Ogre | Yes | No | 6,000,000 | Not tameable | Evil savanna, grassland, and shrubland | |
m | Rhesus macaque | No | Yes | 5,000 | 50 | Temperate savanna, grassland, and shrubland | Steals items and food |
Tropical Savanna
Symbole | Nom | Hostile | Comestible | Taille adulte | Prix de vente (×) | Lieu | Caractéristique |
c | Cavy | No | No | 800 | 3 | Tropical savanna, grassland, and shrubland | Domestic |
c | Cheetah | Yes | Yes | 50,000 | 200 | Tropical savanna, grassland, and shrubland | |
g | Gazelle | No | Yes | 20,000 | 50 | Tropical savanna and grassland | |
C | Giant cheetah | Yes | Yes | 100,000 | 200 | Tropical savanna, grassland, and shrubland | Trainable |
J | Giant jaguar | Yes | Yes | 150,000 | 100 | Savage tropical areas, any desert | Trainable |
L | Giant leopard | Yes | Yes | 100,000 | 100 | Savage tropical areas, any desert | Trainable |
L | Giant lion | Yes | Yes | 400,000 | 200 | Some land | Trainable |
G | Giraffe | No | Yes | 1,000,000 | 500 | Tropical savanna and shrubland | |
h | Harpy | Yes | No | 60,000 | Not tameable | Evil savanna, grassland, shrubland and marshes | All harpies are females |
b | Honey badger | Yes | Yes | 9,000 | 25 | Any tropical land and any desert | Prone to rage |
J | Jaguar | Yes | Yes | 75,000 | 100 | Any tropical land and any desert | Trainable |
L | Leopard | Yes | Yes | 50,000 | 100 | Any tropical land and any desert | Trainable |
L | Lion | Yes | Yes | 200,000 | 200 | Tropical savanna, grassland, and shrubland | Trainable |
O | Ogre | Yes | No | 6,000,000 | Not tameable | Evil savanna, grassland, and shrubland | |
R | Rhinoceros | No | Yes | 3,000,000 | 500 | Tropical savanna, grassland and shrubland | |
v | Vulture | No | Yes | 9,000 | 30 | Any desert and tropical grassland and savanna | Steals food |
w | Warthog | No | Yes | 100,000 | 100 | Tropical savanna, grassland and shrubland |
Temperate Grassland
Symbole | Nom | Hostile | Comestible | Taille adulte | Prix de vente (×) | Lieu | Caractéristique |
b | Blaireau (Badger) | Yes | Yes | 15,000 | 25 | Taiga and any temperate savanna, grassland, shrubland and forest | |
b | Buzzard | Yes | Yes | 1,400 | 30 | All desert and temperate grassland, savanna, and marsh | Steals food |
E | Elk | No | Yes | 300,000 | 100 | Tundra and temperate grassland | |
g | Groundhog | No | Yes | 3,000 | 50 | Temperate savanna, grassland, and shrubland | |
h | Harpy | Yes | No | 60,000 | Not tameable | Evil savanna, grassland, shrubland and marshes | All harpies are females |
M | Muskox | No | Yes | 285,000 | 300 | Tundra and grassland | Pulls wagons |
O | Ogre | Yes | No | 6,000,000 | Not tameable | Evil savanna, grassland, and shrubland | |
m | Rhesus macaque | No | Yes | 5,000 | 50 | Temperate savanna, grassland, and shrubland | Steals items and food |
W | Werewolf | Yes | Yes | 120,000 | 50 or 1000 | Evil tundra, grassland, taiga, and some evil forest |
Tropical Grassland
Symbole | Nom | Hostile | Comestible | Taille adulte | Prix de vente (×) | Lieu | Caractéristique |
c | Cavy | No | No | 800 | 3 | Tropical savanna, grassland, and shrubland | Domestic |
c | Cheetah | Yes | Yes | 50,000 | 200 | Tropical savanna, grassland, and shrubland | |
g | Gazelle | No | Yes | 20,000 | 50 | Tropical savanna and grassland | |
C | Giant cheetah | Yes | Yes | 100,000 | 200 | Tropical savanna, grassland, and shrubland | Trainable |
J | Giant jaguar | Yes | Yes | 150,000 | 100 | Savage tropical areas, any desert | Trainable |
L | Giant leopard | Yes | Yes | 100,000 | 100 | Savage tropical areas, any desert | Trainable |
L | Giant lion | Yes | Yes | 400,000 | 200 | Some land | Trainable |
h | Harpy | Yes | No | 60,000 | Not tameable | Evil savanna, grassland, shrubland and marshes | All harpies are females |
b | Honey badger | Yes | Yes | 9,000 | 25 | Any tropical land and any desert | |
J | Jaguar | Yes | Yes | 75,000 | 100 | Any tropical land and any desert | Trainable |
L | Leopard | Yes | Yes | 50,000 | 100 | Any tropical land and any desert | Trainable |
L | Lion | Yes | Yes | 200,000 | 200 | Tropical savanna, grassland, and shrubland | Trainable |
O | Ogre | Yes | No | 6,000,000 | Not tameable | Evil savanna, grassland, and shrubland | |
R | Rhinoceros | No | Yes | 3,000,000 | 500 | Tropical savanna, grassland and shrubland | |
v | Vulture | No | Yes | 9,000 | 30 | Any desert and tropical grassland and savanna | Steals food |
w | Warthog | No | Yes | 100,000 | 100 | Tropical savanna, grassland and shrubland |
Temperate Shrubland
Symbole | Nom | Hostile | Comestible | Taille adulte | Prix de vente (×) | Lieu | Caractéristique |
b | Badger | Yes | Yes | 15,000 | 25 | Taiga and any temperate savanna, grassland, shrubland and forest | |
C | Cougar | Yes | Yes | 60,000 | 100 | Any forest and shrubland | |
g | Groundhog | No | Yes | 3,000 | 50 | Temperate savanna, grassland, and shrubland | |
h | Harpy | Yes | No | 60,000 | Not tameable | Evil savanna, grassland, shrubland and marshes | All harpies are females |
O | Ogre | Yes | No | 6,000,000 | Not tameable | Evil savanna, grassland, and shrubland | |
m | Rhesus macaque | No | Yes | 5,000 | 50 | Temperate savanna, grassland, and shrubland | Steals items and food |
t | Turkey | No | Yes | 5,000 | 10 | Temperate forest, swamp and shrubland | Domestic, lay eggs |
U | Unicorn | No | Yes | 600,000 | 1000 | Good taiga, forest, and shrubland | |
w | Wolf | Yes | Yes | 40,000 | 50 | Tundra, taiga, and temperate forest/shrubland |
Tropical Shrubland
Symbole | Nom | Hostile | Comestible | Taille adulte | Prix de vente (×) | Lieu | Caractéristique |
b | Bonobo | No | Yes | 50,000 | 500 | Tropical broadleaf forest and shrubland | |
c | Cavy | No | No | 800 | 3 | Tropical savanna, grassland, and shrubland | Domestic |
c | Cheetah | Yes | Yes | 50,000 | 200 | Tropical savanna, grassland, and shrubland | |
c | Chimpanzee | No | Yes | 50,000 | 500 | Tropical broadleaf forest and shrubland | |
C | Cougar | Yes | Yes | 60,000 | 100 | Any forest and shrubland | |
E | Elephant | No | Yes | 5,000,000 | 500 | Tropical forest and shrubland | Trainable |
C | Giant cheetah | Yes | Yes | 100,000 | 200 | Tropical savanna, grassland, and shrubland | Trainable |
J | Giant jaguar | Yes | Yes | 150,000 | 100 | Savage tropical areas, any desert | Trainable |
L | Giant leopard | Yes | Yes | 100,000 | 100 | Savage tropical areas, any desert | Trainable |
L | Giant lion | Yes | Yes | 400,000 | 200 | Some land | Trainable |
T | Giant tiger | Yes | Yes | 450,000 | 200 | Some savage tropical areas | Trainable |
G | Giraffe | No | Yes | 1,000,000 | 500 | Tropical savanna and shrubland | |
h | Harpy | Yes | No | 60,000 | Not tameable | Evil savanna, grassland, shrubland and marshes | All harpies are females |
b | Honey badger | Yes | Yes | 9,000 | 25 | Any tropical land and any desert | |
J | Jaguar | Yes | Yes | 75,000 | 100 | Any tropical land and any desert | Trainable |
L | Leopard | Yes | Yes | 50,000 | 100 | Any tropical land and any desert | Trainable |
L | Lion | Yes | Yes | 200,000 | 200 | Tropical savanna, grassland, and shrubland | Trainable |
O | Ogre | Yes | No | 6,000,000 | Not tameable | Evil savanna, grassland, and shrubland | |
R | Rhinoceros | No | Yes | 3,000,000 | 500 | Tropical savanna, grassland and shrubland | |
T | Tiger | Yes | Yes | 225,000 | 200 | Most tropical areas | Trainable |
T | Tigerman | Yes | No | 120,000 | 200 | Savage tropical areas | |
U | Unicorn | No | Yes | 600,000 | 1000 | Good taiga, forest, and shrubland | |
w | Warthog | No | Yes | 100,000 | 100 | Tropical savanna, grassland and shrubland |
Temperate Marsh
Symbole | Nom | Hostile | Comestible | Taille adulte | Prix de vente (×) | Lieu | Caractéristique |
A | Alligator | Yes | Yes | 400,000 | 650 | Freshwater swamps, marshes and rivers | Amphibious |
B | Beak dog | Yes | Yes | 150,000 | 50 | Evil marshes | Can be mounted by goblins |
b | Buzzard | YesModèle:Verify | Yes | 1,400 | 30 | All desert and temperate grassland, savanna, and marsh | Steals food |
c | Capybara | No | Yes | 45,000 | 100 | Any wetland | Makes sounds in Adventure mode |
d | Duck | No | No | 1,000 | 10 | Any lakes and any wetland | Domestic, lay eggs |
C | Giant capybara | No | Yes | 450,000 | 500 | Any wetland | Makes sounds in Adventure mode |
g | Goose | No | Yes | 4,500 | 10 | Temperate lakes and temperate marshes | Domestic, lay eggs |
h | Harpy | Yes | No | 60,000 | Not tameable | Evil savanna, grassland, shrubland and marshes | All harpies are females |
s | Slugman | No | No | 50,000 | Not tameable | Any wetland and moist tropical broadleaf forest | No bones |
s | Snailman | No | No | 50,000 | Not tameable | Any wetland and moist tropical broadleaf forest | No bones |
Tropical Marsh
Symbole | Nom | Hostile | Comestible | Taille adulte | Prix de vente (×) | Lieu | Caractéristique |
B | Beak dog | Yes | Yes | 150,000 | 50 | Evil marshes | Can be mounted by goblins |
c | Capybara | No | Yes | 45,000 | 100 | Any wetland | Makes sounds in Adventure mode |
d | Duck | No | No | 1,000 | 10 | Any lakes and any wetland | Domestic, lay eggs |
C | Giant capybara | No | Yes | 450,000 | 500 | Any wetland | Makes sounds in Adventure mode |
J | Giant jaguar | Yes | Yes | 150,000 | 100 | Savage tropical areas, any desert | Trainable |
L | Giant leopard | Yes | Yes | 100,000 | 100 | Savage tropical areas, any desert | Trainable |
h | Harpy | Yes | No | 60,000 | Not tameable | Evil savanna, grassland, shrubland and marshes | All harpies are females |
b | Honey badger | Yes | Yes | 9,000 | 25 | Any tropical land and any desert | |
J | Jaguar | Yes | Yes | 75,000 | 100 | Any tropical land and any desert | Trainable |
L | Leopard | Yes | Yes | 50,000 | 100 | Any tropical land and any desert | Trainable |
C | Saltwater crocodile | Yes | Yes | 800,000 | 700 | Any tropical swamps, marshes and rivers | |
s | Slugman | No | Yes | 50,000 | Not tameable | Any wetland and moist tropical broadleaf forest | No bones |
s | Snailman | No | Yes | 50,000 | Not tameable | Any wetland and moist tropical broadleaf forest | No bones |
W | Water buffalo | No | Yes | 1,000,000 | 200 | Tropical wetland | Domestic, milkable |
Temperate Swamp
Symbole | Nom | Hostile | Comestible | Taille adulte | Prix de vente (×) | Lieu | Caractéristique |
A | Alligator | Yes | Yes | 400,000 | 650 | Freshwater swamps, marshes and rivers | Amphibious |
c | Capybara | No | Yes | 45,000 | 100 | Any wetland | Makes sounds in Adventure mode |
d | Duck | No | No | 1,000 | 10 | Any lakes and any wetland | Domestic, lay eggs |
C | Giant capybara | No | Yes | 450,000 | 500 | Any wetland | Makes sounds in Adventure mode |
g | Grimeling | Yes | No | 70,000 | Not tameable | Evil swamps | |
s | Slugman | No | Yes | 50,000 | Not tameable | Any wetland and moist tropical broadleaf forest | No bones |
s | Snailman | No | Yes | 50,000 | Not tameable | Any wetland and moist tropical broadleaf forest | No bones |
t | Turkey | No | Yes | 5,000 | 10 | Temperate forest, swamp and shrubland | Domestic, lay eggs |
Tropical Swamp
Note: This also may include mangrove swamps.
Symbole | Nom | Hostile | Comestible | Taille adulte | Prix de vente (×) | Lieu | Caractéristique |
c | Capybara | No | Yes | 45,000 | 100 | Any wetland | Makes sounds in Adventure mode |
d | Duck | No | No | 1,000 | 10 | Any lakes and any wetland | Domestic, lay eggs |
C | Giant capybara | No | Yes | 450,000 | 500 | Any wetland | Makes sounds in Adventure mode |
J | Giant jaguar | Yes | Yes | 150,000 | 100 | Savage tropical areas, any desert | Trainable |
L | Giant leopard | Yes | Yes | 100,000 | 100 | Savage tropical areas, any desert | Trainable |
T | Giant tiger | Yes | Yes | 450,000 | 200 | Some savage tropical areas | Trainable |
G | Gorilla | No | Yes | 150,000 | 500 | Tropical broadleaf forest and swamp | Trainable |
g | Grimeling | Yes | No | 70,000 | Not tameable | Evil swamps | |
b | Honey badger | Yes | Yes | 9,000 | 25 | Any tropical land and any desert | |
J | Jaguar | Yes | Yes | 75,000 | 100 | Any tropical land and any desert | Trainable |
L | Leopard | Yes | Yes | 50,000 | 100 | Any tropical land and any desert | Trainable |
C | Saltwater crocodile | Yes | Yes | 800,000 | 700 | Any tropical swamps, marshes and rivers | |
s | Slugman | No | Yes | 50,000 | Not tameable | Any wetland and moist tropical broadleaf forest | No bones |
s | Snailman | No | Yes | 50,000 | Not tameable | Any wetland and moist tropical broadleaf forest | No bones |
T | Tiger | Yes | Yes | 225,000 | 200 | Most tropical areas | Trainable |
T | Tigerman | Yes | No | 120,000 | 200 | Savage tropical areas | |
W | Water buffalo | No | Yes | 1,000,000 | 200 | Tropical wetland | Domestic, milkable |
Symbole | Nom | Hostile | Comestible | Taille adulte | Prix de vente (×) | Lieu | Caractéristique |
b | Badger | Yes | Yes | 15,000 | 25 | Taiga and any temperate savanna, grassland, shrubland and forest | |
B | Black bear | Yes | Yes | 120,000 | 300 | Taiga and temperate forest | Steals booze |
d | Deer | No | Yes | 140,000 | 50 | Taiga and temperate forest | |
f | Fox | No | Yes | 6,000 | 25 | Taiga and temperate forest | |
B | Grizzly bear | Yes | Yes | 200,000 | 500 | Taiga and temperate forest | Steals booze, trainable |
M | Moose | No | Yes | 525,000 (males) 315,000 (females) | 300 | Taiga and temperate forest | |
r | Raccoon | No | Yes | 7,000 | 25 | Taiga and temperate forest | Steals items and food |
R | Reindeer | No | Yes | 130,000 | 200 | Tundra and taiga | Domestic and milkable |
S | Sasquatch | Yes | Yes | 300,000 | Not tameable | Temperate forest and taiga | |
U | Unicorn | No | Yes | 600,000 | 1000 | Good taiga, forest, and shrubland | |
W | Werewolf | Yes | Yes | 120,000 | 50 or 1000 | Evil tundra, taiga, temperate forest and shrubland | |
w | Wolf | Yes | Yes | 40,000 | 50 | Tundra, taiga, and temperate forest/shrubland |
Temperate forest
Symbole | Nom | Hostile | Comestible | Taille adulte | Prix de vente (×) | Lieu | Caractéristique |
b | Badger | Yes | Yes | 15,000 | 25 | Taiga and any temperate savanna, grassland, shrubland and forest | |
B | Black bear | Yes | Yes | 120,000 | 300 | Taiga and temperate forest | Steals booze |
C | Cougar | Yes | Yes | 60,000 | 100 | Any forest and shrubland | |
d | Deer | No | Yes | 140,000 | 50 | Taiga and temperate forest | |
b | Foul blendec | Yes | Yes | 60,000 | 250 | Most evil forest | |
f | Fox | No | Yes | 6,000 | 25 | Taiga and temperate forest | |
P | Gigantic panda | No | Yes | 650,000 | 1000 | Temperate forest | Trainable |
B | Grizzly bear | Yes | Yes | 200,000 | 500 | Taiga and temperate forest | Steals booze, trainable |
M | Moose | No | Yes | 525,000 (males) 315,000 (females) | 300 | Taiga and temperate forest | |
P | Panda | No | Yes | 130,000 | 300 | Temperate forest | |
r | Raccoon | No | Yes | 7,000 | 25 | Taiga and temperate forest | Steals items and food |
S | Sasquatch | Yes | Yes | 300,000 | Not tameable | Temperate forest and taiga | |
s | Satyr | No | No | 60,000 | Not tameable | Most good forest | |
t | Turkey | No | Yes | 5,000 | 10 | Temperate forest, swamp and shrubland | Domestic, lay eggs |
U | Unicorn | No | Yes | 600,000 | 1000 | Good taiga, forest, and shrubland | |
W | Werewolf | Yes | Yes | 120,000 | 50 or 1000 | Evil tundra, taiga, temperate forest and shrubland | |
w | Wolf | Yes | Yes | 40,000 | 50 | Tundra, taiga, and temperate forest/shrubland |
Tropical Forest
Symbole | Nom | Hostile | Comestible | Taille adulte | Prix de vente (×) | Lieu | Caractéristique |
g | Bilou | No | Yes | 6,000 | 500 | Tropical broadleaf forest | |
g | Black-crested gibbon | No | Yes | 6,000 | 500 | Tropical broadleaf forest | |
g | Black-handed gibbon | No | Yes | 6,000 | 500 | Tropical broadleaf forest | |
p | Blue peafowl | No | Yes | 4,000 | 10 | Tropical broadleaf forest | Domestic, lay eggs |
b | Bonobo | No | Yes | 50,000 | 500 | Tropical broadleaf forest and shrubland | |
c | Chimpanzee | No | Yes | 50,000 | 500 | Tropical broadleaf forest and shrubland | |
E | Elephant | No | Yes | 5,000,000 | 500 | Tropical forest and shrubland | Trainable |
C | Cougar | Yes | Yes | 60,000 | 100 | Any forest and shrubland | |
b | Foul blendec | Yes | Yes | 60,000 | 250 | Most evil forest | |
J | Giant jaguar | Yes | Yes | 150,000 | 100 | Savage tropical areas, any desert | Trainable |
L | Giant leopard | Yes | Yes | 100,000 | 100 | Savage tropical areas, any desert | Trainable |
T | Giant tiger | Yes | Yes | 450,000 | 200 | Some savage tropical areas | Trainable |
G | Gorilla | No | Yes | 150,000 | 500 | Tropical broadleaf forest and swamp | Trainable |
g | Gray gibbon | No | Yes | 6,000 | 500 | Tropical broadleaf forest | |
b | Honey badger | Yes | Yes | 9,000 | 25 | Any tropical land and any desert | |
J | Jaguar | Yes | Yes | 75,000 | 100 | Any tropical land and any desert | Trainable |
L | Leopard | Yes | Yes | 50,000 | 100 | Any tropical land and any desert | Trainable |
m | Mandrill | No | Yes | 20,000 | 50 | Tropical moist broadleaf forest | Trainable |
O | Orangutan | No | Yes | 80,000 | 500 | Tropical moist broadleaf forest | |
g | Pileated gibbon | No | Yes | 6,000 | 500 | Tropical moist broadleaf forest | |
s | Satyr | No | No | 60,000 | Not tameable | Most good forest | |
s | Siamang | No | Yes | 12,000 | 500 | Tropical moist broadleaf forest | |
g | Silvery gibbon | No | Yes | 6,000 | 500 | Tropical moist broadleaf forest | |
s | Slugman | No | Yes | 50,000 | Not tameable | Any wetland and moist tropical broadleaf forest | No bones |
s | Snailman | No | Yes | 50,000 | Not tameable | Any wetland and moist tropical broadleaf forest | No bones |
s | Strangler | Yes | Yes | 40,000 | 250 | Evil tropical moist broadleaf forest | |
T | Tiger | Yes | Yes | 225,000 | 200 | Most tropical lands | Trainable |
T | Tigerman | Yes | No | 120,000 | 200 | Most tropical lands | |
U | Unicorn | No | Yes | 600,000 | 1000 | Good taiga, forest, and shrubland | |
g | White-browed gibbon | No | Yes | 6,000 | 500 | Tropical moist broadleaf forest | |
g | White-handed gibbon | No | Yes | 6,000 | 500 | Tropical moist broadleaf forest |
Symbole | Nom | Hostile | Comestible | Taille adulte | Prix de vente (×) | Lieu | Caractéristique |
i | Fire imp | Yes | Yes | 6,000 | Not tameable | Magma | Throws fireballs |
M | Fire man | Yes | No | 70,000 | Not tameable | Magma | Throws fireballs and leaves behind ashes |
C | Magma crab | No | Yes | 30,000 | 200 | Magma | Throws molten basalt |
M | Magma man | Yes | No | 70,000 | Not tameable | Magma | Leaves behind obsidian |
First layer
Symbole | Nom | Hostile | Comestible | Taille adulte | Prix de vente (×) | Lieu | Caractéristique |
B | Blind cave bear | Yes | Yes | 200,000 | 500 | Caverns | |
C | Cave crocodile | Yes | Yes | 600,000 | 750 | Caverns | |
D | Draltha | No | Yes | 2,500,000 | 500 | Caverns | |
d | Drunian | No | Yes | 50,000 | 50 | Caverns | Steals food and items |
E | Elk bird | No | Yes | 100,000 | 400 | Caverns | |
B | Giant bat | Yes | Yes | 100,000 | 750 | Caverns | Trainable |
S | Giant cave spider | Yes | Yes | 100,000 | 2,500 | Caverns | Spins/throws webs and causes syndrome |
C | Giant cave swallow | NoModèle:Verify | Yes | 100,000 | 700 | Caverns | |
W | Giant earthworm | No | Yes | 1,500,000 | 500 | Caverns | |
m | Giant mole | NoModèle:Verify | Yes | 200,000 | 350 | Caverns | Steals food and booze |
O | Giant olm | Yes | Yes | 300,000 | 750 | Caverns | |
R | Giant rat | NoModèle:Verify | Yes | 100,000 | 500 | Caverns | Steals food and booze |
T | Giant toad | Yes | Yes | 300,000 | 750 | Caverns | |
g | Gorlak | No | Yes | 50,000 | Not tameable | Good caverns | |
g | Gremlin | No | No | 10,000 | N/A | Caverns | Cause mischief around fortress |
s | Helmet snake | Yes | Yes | 50,000 | 30 | Caverns | Causes syndrome |
r | Large rat | No | Yes | 25,000 | 250 | Caverns | Steals food |
M | Molemarian | Yes | No | 90,000 | 400 | Caverns | |
n | Naked mole dog | No | Yes | 60,000 | 350 | Caverns | Steals food |
p | Pond grabber | Yes | Yes | 30,000 | 50 | Caverns | |
t | Troglodyte | Yes | No | 6,000 | Not tameable | Caverns | |
T | Troll | Yes | Yes | 250,000 | Not tameable | Caverns | Forms civilizations |
Second layer
Symbole | Nom | Hostile | Comestible | Taille adulte | Prix de vente (×) | Lieu | Caractéristique |
B | Blind cave bear | Yes | Yes | 200,000 | 500 | Caverns | |
O | Blind cave ogre | Yes | Yes | 7,000,000 | 500 | Caverns | |
b | Bugbat | No | Yes | 10,000 | 20 | Caverns | |
C | Cave crocodile | Yes | Yes | 600,000 | 750 | Caverns | |
c | Crundle | Yes | Yes | 10,000 | 50 | Caverns | |
D | Draltha | No | Yes | 2,500,000 | 500 | Caverns | |
d | Drunian | No | Yes | 50,000 | 50 | Caverns | Steals food and items |
E | Elk bird | No | Yes | 100,000 | 400 | Caverns | |
% | Floating guts | No | Yes | 20,000 | 10 | Caverns | |
B | Giant bat | Yes | Yes | 100,000 | 750 | Caverns | Trainable |
S | Giant cave spider | Yes | Yes | 100,000 | 2,500 | Caverns | Spins/throws webs and causes syndrome |
C | Giant cave swallow | NoModèle:Verify | Yes | 100,000 | 700 | Caverns | |
W | Giant earthworm | No | Yes | 1,500,000 | 500 | Caverns | |
m | Giant mole | NoModèle:Verify | Yes | 200,000 | 350 | Caverns | Steals food and booze |
O | Giant olm | Yes | Yes | 300,000 | 750 | Caverns | |
R | Giant rat | NoModèle:Verify | Yes | 100,000 | 500 | Caverns | Steals food and booze |
T | Giant toad | Yes | Yes | 300,000 | 750 | Caverns | |
g | Gorlak | No | Yes | 50,000 | Not tameable | Good caverns | |
G | Green devourer | Yes | Yes | 70,000 | 200 | Caverns | |
g | Gremlin | No | No | 10,000 | N/A | Caverns | Cause mischief around fortress |
s | Helmet snake | Yes | Yes | 50,000 | 30 | Caverns | Causes syndrome |
J | Jabberer | Yes | Yes | 4,500,000 | 1500 | Caverns | |
m | Manera | Yes | No | 60,000 | Not tameable | Evil caverns | |
M | Molemarian | Yes | No | 90,000 | 400 | Caverns | |
m | Plump helmet man | No | No | 50,000 | Not tameable | Caverns | |
P | Pond grabber | Yes | Yes | 300,000 | 50 | Caverns | |
R | Reacher | Yes | Yes | 70,000 | 100 | Caverns | |
R | Rutherer | No | Yes | 3,000,000 | 600 | Caverns | Exotic Mount |
t | Troglodyte | Yes | No | 6,000 | Not tameable | Caverns | |
T | Troll | Yes | Yes | 250,000 | Not tameable | Caverns | Forms civilizations |
C | Voracious cave crawler | Yes | Yes | 900,000 | 1000 | Caverns |
Third layer
Symbole | Nom | Hostile | Comestible | Taille adulte | Prix de vente (×) | Lieu | Caractéristique |
M | Amethyst man | Yes | No | 70,000 | Not tameable | Caverns | Leaves behind an amethyst |
O | Blind cave ogre | Yes | Yes | 7,000,000 | 500 | Caverns | |
M | Blood man | Yes | No | 70,000 | Not tameable | Caverns | |
b | Bugbat | No | Yes | 10,000 | 20 | Caverns | |
o | Cave blob | No | No | 20,000 | 50 | Caverns | Causes syndrome |
D | Cave dragon | Yes | Yes | 15,000,000 | 10,000 | Caverns | |
f | Cave floater | No | No | 40,000 | 50 | Caverns | Causes syndrome |
e | Creeping eye | No | Yes | 20,000 | 50 | Caverns | |
c | Crundle | Yes | Yes | 10,000 | 50 | Caverns | |
E | Elk bird | No | Yes | 100,000 | 400 | Caverns | |
o | Flesh ball | No | Yes | 70,000 | 10 | Subterranean water | |
% | Floating guts | No | Yes | 20,000 | 10 | Caverns | |
M | Gabbro man | Yes | No | 70,000 | Not tameable | Caverns | Leaves behind gabbro |
g | Gorlak | No | Yes | 50,000 | Not tameable | Good caverns | |
G | Green devourer | Yes | Yes | 70,000 | 200 | Caverns | |
g | Gremlin | No | No | 10,000 | N/A | Caverns | Cause mischief around fortress |
h | Hungry head | Yes | Yes | 5,000 | 50 | Caverns | Flying |
M | Iron man | Yes | No | 70,000 | Not tameable | Caverns | Causes syndrome |
J | Jabberer | Yes | Yes | 4,500,000 | 1500 | Caverns | |
M | Molemarian | Yes | No | 90,000 | 400 | Caverns | |
M | Mud man | Yes | No | 70,000 | Not tameable | Caverns | |
m | Plump helmet man | No | No | 50,000 | Not tameable | Caverns | |
R | Reacher | Yes | Yes | 70,000 | 100 | Caverns | |
R | Rutherer | No | Yes | 3,000,000 | 600 | Caverns | Exotic Mount |
C | Voracious cave crawler | Yes | Yes | 900,000 | 1000 | Caverns |
Note: This does not include subterranean sea creatures.
Arctic Ocean
Symbole | Nom | Hostile | Comestible | Taille adulte | Prix de vente (×) | Lieu | Caractéristique |
S | Requin bleu (Blue shark) | Yes | Yes | 300,000 | 400 | Oceans | |
α | Bluefin tuna | No | Yes | 600,000 | 200 | Oceans | |
α | Cod | No | Yes | 50,000 | 200 | Oceans | |
~ | Conger eel | No | Yes | 50,000 | 400 | Oceans | |
p | Emperor penguin | No | Yes | 30,000 | 10 | Arctic ocean | |
s | Frill shark | Yes | Yes | 60,000 | 500 | Oceans | |
α | Halibut | No | Yes | 200,000 | 200 | Oceans | |
p | Little penguin | No | No | 1,500 | 10 | Arctic ocean | |
M | Merperson | No | No | 70,000 | Not tameable | Good oceans | |
p | Penguin | No | No | 4,000 | 10 | Arctic ocean | |
~ | Sea lamprey | Yes | Yes | 20,000 | 200 | Almost all water | |
M | Sea monster | Yes | Yes | 8,000,000 | 1000 | Evil oceans | |
S | Sea serpent | Yes | Yes | 9,000,000 | 1000 | Savage oceans | |
α | Sturgeon | No | Yes | 1,500,000 | 300 | Oceans and rivers | |
W | Walrus | No | Yes | 1,500,000 | 400 | Arctic ocean | |
W | Whale | No | Yes | 20,000,000 | 1000 | Oceans |
Temperate Ocean
Symbole | Nom | Hostile | Comestible | Taille adulte | Prix de vente (×) | Lieu | Caractéristique |
s | Angelshark | No | Yes | 15,000 | 200 | Oceans | |
S | Basking shark | No | Yes | 15,000,000 | 1000 | Oceans | |
S | Blue shark | Yes | Yes | 300,000 | 400 | Oceans | |
α | Bluefin tuna | No | Yes | 600,000 | 200 | Oceans | |
α | Bluefish | No | Yes | 15,000 | 200 | Oceans | |
α | Cod | No | Yes | 50,000 | 200 | Oceans | |
ò | Common skate | No | Yes | 100,000 | 200 | Oceans | |
~ | Conger eel | No | Yes | 50,000 | 400 | Oceans | |
s | Frill shark | Yes | Yes | 60,000 | 500 | Oceans | |
S | Great white shark | Yes | Yes | 2,000,000 | 500 | Oceans | |
α | Halibut | No | Yes | 200,000 | 200 | Oceans | |
S | Hammerhead shark | Yes | Yes | 500,000 | 500 | Oceans | |
S | Longfin mako shark | Yes | Yes | 30,000 | 500 | Oceans | |
α | Marlin | No | Yes | 800,000 | 500 | Tropical and temperate oceans | |
M | Merperson | No | No | 70,000 | Not tameable | Good oceans | |
S | Nurse shark | No | Yes | 150,000 | 300 | Oceans | |
α | Ocean sunfish | No | Yes | 1,000,000 | 500 | Oceans | |
α | Opah | No | Yes | 200,000 | 200 | Oceans | |
~ | Sea lamprey | Yes | Yes | 20,000 | 200 | Almost all water | |
M | Sea monster | Yes | Yes | 8,000,000 | 1000 | Evil oceans | |
S | Sea serpent | Yes | Yes | 9,000,000 | 1000 | Savage oceans | |
S | Shortfin mako shark | Yes | Yes | 80,000 | 500 | Oceans | |
s | Spiny dogfish | No | Yes | 30,000 | 200 | Oceans | |
S | Spotted wobbegong | No | Yes | 80,000 | 200 | Oceans | |
α | Sturgeon | No | Yes | 1,500,000 | 300 | Oceans and rivers | |
α | Swordfish | No | Yes | 650,000 | 500 | Oceans | |
W | Whale | No | Yes | 20,000,000 | 1000 | Oceans |
Tropical Ocean
Symbole | Nom | Hostile | Comestible | Taille adulte | Prix de vente (×) | Lieu | Caractéristique |
s | Angelshark | No | Yes | 15,000 | 200 | Oceans | |
S | Blacktip reef shark | Yes | Yes | 15,000 | 200 | Oceans | |
S | Blue shark | Yes | Yes | 300,000 | 400 | Oceans | |
α | Bluefin tuna | No | Yes | 600,000 | 200 | Oceans | |
α | Bluefish | No | Yes | 15,000 | 200 | Oceans | |
S | Bull shark | Yes | Yes | 150,000 | 500 | Oceans | |
c | Coelacanth | No | Yes | 80,000 | 200 | Oceans | |
ò | Common skate | No | Yes | 100,000 | 200 | Oceans | |
s | Frill shark | Yes | Yes | 60,000 | 500 | Oceans | |
G | Giant grouper | No | Yes | 600,000 | 200 | Oceans | |
B | Great barracuda | Yes | Yes | 60,000 | 200 | Oceans | |
S | Great white shark | Yes | Yes | 2,000,000 | 500 | Oceans | |
S | Hammerhead shark | Yes | Yes | 500,000 | 500 | Oceans | |
S | Longfin mako shark | Yes | Yes | 30,000 | 500 | Oceans | |
► | Manta ray | No | Yes | 2,300,000 | 500 | Oceans | |
α | Marlin | No | Yes | 800,000 | 500 | Tropical and temperate oceans | |
M | Merperson | No | No | 70,000 | Not tameable | Good oceans | |
α | Milkfish | No | Yes | 10,000 | 50 | Almost all water | |
α | Ocean sunfish | No | Yes | 1,000,000 | 500 | Oceans | |
α | Opah | No | Yes | 200,000 | 200 | Oceans | |
~ | Sea lamprey | Yes | Yes | 20,000 | 200 | Almost all water | |
M | Sea monster | Yes | Yes | 8,000,000 | 1000 | Evil oceans | |
S | Sea serpent | Yes | Yes | 9,000,000 | 1000 | Savage oceans | |
S | Shortfin mako shark | Yes | Yes | 80,000 | 500 | Oceans | |
s | Spiny dogfish | No | Yes | 30,000 | 200 | Oceans | |
S | Spotted wobbegong | No | Yes | 80,000 | 200 | Oceans | |
ò | Stingray | No | Yes | 5,000 | 200 | Almost all water | |
α | Swordfish | No | Yes | 650,000 | 500 | Oceans | |
S | Tiger shark | Yes | Yes | 500,000 | 500 | Oceans | |
W | Whale | No | Yes | 20,000,000 | 1000 | Oceans | |
W | Whale shark | No | Yes | 20,000,000 | 1000 | Oceans | |
S | Whitetip reef shark | Yes | Yes | 15,000 | 200 | Oceans |
Temperate Lake
Symbole | Nom | Hostile | Comestible | Taille adulte | Prix de vente (×) | Lieu | Caractéristique |
α | Carp | No | Yes | 40,000 | 50 | Freshwater rivers and lakes | |
d | Duck | No | No | 1,000 | 10 | Any lakes and any wetland | Domestic, lay eggs |
g | Goose | No | Yes | 4,500 | 10 | Temperate lakes and temperate marshes | Domestic, lay eggs |
l | Leechman | yes | Yes | 50,000 | Not tameable | Freshwater lakes | No bones, sucks blood |
g | Longnose gar | no | Yes | 20,000 | 200 | Temperate rivers and lakes | |
α | Pike | No | Yes | 35,000 | 200 | Temperate rivers and lakes | |
~ | Sea lamprey | Yes | Yes | 20,000 | 200 | Almost all water |
Tropical Lake
Symbole | Nom | Hostile | Comestible | Taille adulte | Prix de vente (×) | Lieu | Caractéristique |
α | Carp | No | Yes | 40,000 | 50 | Freshwater rivers and lakes | |
d | Duck | No | No | 1,000 | 10 | Any lakes and any wetland | Domestic, lay eggs |
H | Hippo | No | Yes | 1,500,000 | 400 | Tropical rivers and lakes | |
l | Leechman | yes | Yes | 50,000 | Not tameable | Freshwater lakes | No bones, sucks blood |
α | Milkfish | No | Yes | 10,000 | 50 | Almost all water | |
ò | Stingray | No | Yes | 5,000 | 200 | Almost all water | |
α | Tigerfish | Yes | Yes | 50,000 | 200 | Tropical freshwater rivers and lakes |
Temperate River
Symbole | Nom | Hostile | Comestible | Taille adulte | Prix de vente (×) | Lieu | Caractéristique |
A | Alligator | Yes | Yes | 400,000 | 650 | Freshwater swamps, marshes and rivers | Amphibious |
g | Longnose gar | no | Yes | 20,000 | 200 | Temperate rivers and lakes | |
α | Pike | No | Yes | 35,000 | 200 | Temperate rivers and lakes | |
p | Platypus | No | No | 2,000 | 10 | All rivers | |
~ | Sea lamprey | Yes | Yes | 20,000 | 200 | Almost all water | |
α | Sturgeon | No | Yes | 1,500,000 | 300 | Oceans and rivers |
Tropical River
Symbole | Nom | Hostile | Comestible | Taille adulte | Prix de vente (×) | Lieu | Caractéristique |
A | Alligator | Yes | Yes | 400,000 | 650 | Freshwater swamps, marshes and rivers | Amphibious |
H | Hippo | No | Yes | 1,500,000 | 400 | Tropical rivers and lakes | |
α | Milkfish | No | Yes | 10,000 | 50 | Almost all water | |
p | Platypus | No | No | 2,000 | 10 | All rivers | |
C | Saltwater crocodile | Yes | Yes | 800,000 | 700 | Any tropical swamps, marshes and rivers | |
ò | Stingray | No | Yes | 5,000 | 200 | Almost all water | |
α | Tigerfish | Yes | Yes | 50,000 | 200 | Tropical freshwater rivers and lakes |
Hidden Fun Stuff
Symbole | Nom | Hostile | Comestible | Taille adulte | Prix de vente (×) | Lieu | Caractéristique |
& | Demon | Yes | N/A | N/A | Not tameable | Hell | See article for more information |
Any | Forgotten beast | Yes | N/A | N/A | Not tameable | All underground | See article for more information |
Ñ | Night creature | Yes | N/A | N/A | Not tameable | All above-ground | See article for more information |
Any | Titan | N/A | N/A | N/A | Not tameable | All above-ground | See article for more information |